

Russian Formalists (1920's)

"Poetry exercises a controlled violence upon practical language, which is thereby deformed in order to compel our attention to its constructed nature."

"It is the special task of art to give us back the awareness of things which have become habitual objects of our everyday awareness."

Tomashevsky - 'Bound' and 'free' motifs. "A bound motif is one which is required by the story, while a free motif is inessential from the point of view of the story. However, from the literary point of view, the free motifs are potentially the focus of art."


Bakhtin - carnivalization as defamiliarization (I guess).

1 komentarz:

Marta pisze...

och, Bakhtin... robiłam o nim referat na historię literatury francuskiej, on się rozpisywał o twórczości Rabelais'go. ciekawe blogi prowadzisz! tak sobie czytam i oglądam... a powiedz może, w którym dokładnie miejscu robisz książkowe zakupy? pozdrawiam, Marta Jarczak, filologia romańska UAM ;-)